30 weeks old

William is very curious and loves picking things up to examine and explore them. He is also very good at passing things from one hand to the other and back again. His legs are very strong and he loves trying to stand up (which he can do) and then try letting go of whatever he is holding (which always results in a 'plop' onto the floor).
Standing with help

Today was his second afternoon at nursery, which he is enjoying. He happily plays, sleeps, drinks and eats there. He goes four afternoons a week, and I work three afternoons a week. I think that he particularly likes the new selection of toys and other kids to play with. Well, they don't so much play with each other as sit in a bit of a circle playing with the same toys. It was my first day back at work today and I loved it. There is nothing like 7 months off to kindle enthusiasm and focus the mind. I thawed some cells and started researching which grants I'm eligible to apply for.
William has started reading (well, interacting with books, he he he):

He is eating 3-4 meals/snacks a day.

This is him after his first taste of beetroot, which he enjoyed. In fact he has liked everything so far, and we've tried potato, broccoli, pumpkin, swede, turnip, leeks, spinach, parsnip, sweet potato, cauliflower, zucchini, capsicum, cabbage, apple, pear, banana, sweet corn plums, and even fish and chicken!

He is an adept map reader, as we found out in Cambridge on the weekend:

And he has taken up playing/eating the drums this week: