Thursday, 19 February 2009

Pictures from last weekend

Last weekend we took William to a community run drop in centre for toddlers, called Donnington Doorstep. He loved it. He showed us how he can climb a ladder all by himself (eeek!) and drove a little sit-inside plastic car around the garden.

Then we went to Oxford Castle Unlocked, where we learnt lots about Oxford Castle and the prison. William seemed to love running around the inside of the prison shouting 'Raaaa". Daddy put us in the stocks, but we didn't mind!

Then we went to Carluccios for lunch, were William was very well behaved.

Finally, we came home and William helped out with the cooking. William really enjoys standing on a chair by the kitchen bench and helping out. On the weekend he always helps us to prepare breakfast by taking the peg off the bag of oats, then helping to pour some oats into the saucepan, the undoing the lid of the milk (currently each of his hands can only undo in on direction, so you need to offer the milk to the hand that can undo in the appropriate direction!), pouring some milk on the oats, then stirring the porridge with our wooden spurtle (bought at Towersery Folk Festival). He loves eating porridge!

CDs are the new plugs

William LOVES playing with plugs. When he sees one (across the room) he points at it and says a loud "Ooooohh", then toddles over and tries to unplug whatever is in it. After catching him a few times chewing the cords, we've tried to 'de-plug' the house and now they are almost all out of site and reach. So, his favourite toy has been denied him. Ever inventive and ingenious, he has come up with a new favourite toy - CDs. In an attempt to save most of our CDs from grubby fingers we have given him 3 of his own to play with. These three get put in and out of plastic pockets for tens of minutes on end. Then he'll poke his finger through the hole in the middle. Then put them back in a plastic pocket again.

Another new trick this week is opening his mouth wide when it is full of food and 'showing' you what he is eating. I guess he picked it up at nursery. We are trying not to react (or laugh). Here is a picture taken the week before he started this new trick, so is more uvulartastic than a food visual. He is being particularly cute these days though, so it is such fun to play with him.

I've been a bad blogger recently. Although not updating the blog regularly, I have been writing down notes and milestones on a scrap of paper...which I now can't find. Sorry. I'll be back when I find it.

Note the great scarf knitted by Aunty Alice! And the cute wellies with dinosaurs from Nana and Grandad.