Saturday, 20 October 2007

Tummy time!

I am so far behind in processing photos of William that I am going to make an executive decision to skip the last month of photos (for the minute) and just put some recent ones up - otherwise I'll never catch up and I'll never get around to putting more pics up here. So, here are some from the last week!

We've been pretty good this week at finding time to go upstairs and spend some time with William on his tummy. It helps to strengthen his arms, neck and back muscles, apparently. Anyway, he doesn't really like it, so we have to wait until he hasn't fed recently, is in a good mood and not too tired, then we pop upstairs and try to get 5 mins on his tummy. We usually only last 3-4 though. But we'll keep working on it. I hope it gets easier for him. These are some of the (rare) moments I've managed to catch him on his tummy and smiling!

The purple striped top is all organic cotton and a gift from Seb's mum, Sonja.

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